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The Output Transform is a rendering transform essential to consistently and predictably transforming scene-referred ACES2065 image data into a rendered state suitable for display on a specific output device.

Transforms in aces-output are provided from ACES2065-1 to a state ready for display on devices calibrated to common display standards. The provided presets do not attempt to support all possible combinations of parameters because, A) this would make the list of transforms inordinately long, and B) all combinations don't make sense as user options. The options provided are expected to provide fairly comprehensive coverage for all common present-day deliverable needs.

Inside the Output Transform, is two separate operators, the rendering and display encoding. The rendering is dictated by the limiting primaries and white chromaticities as well as the luminance of peak white. The display encoding is determined by the encoding primaries and white point chromaticity of the display and the EOTF of the display.

flowchart LR
  subgraph box1 ["Output Transform"]
    id2 -->|"CIE
  id3 -->|"Code

For a few of these output transforms, the rendering targets are identical and the only difference is in how the intended colormetry is encoded for display.

The limiting gamuts and peak luminances provided are as follows:

  • Rec.709 48/100 nit
  • P3 48/100 nit
  • P3 108 nit
  • P3 300 nit
  • P3 500 nit
  • P3 1000 nit
  • P3 2000 nit
  • P3 4000 nit
  • Rec.2100 500 nit
  • Rec.2100 1000 nit
  • Rec.2100 2000 nit
  • Rec.2100 4000 nit

(Each are provided for D60 and D65)

The encoding gamuts included as presets are as follows:

  • Rec.709 / sRGB
  • P3
  • Rec.2100
  • XYZ

The inverse EOTF options included as presets are as follows:

  • Linear
  • ST. 2084 (PQ)
  • HLG
  • Gamma 2.6
  • BT.1886 (Gamma 2.4)
  • Gamma 2.2
  • sRGB IEC 61966-2-1:1999 (sRGB Piecewise)

Other outputs and presets can be added if and when the need arises.

Fundamentally, there are two main decisions to be made by the user: first, what device is being used to display the images; and second, how are the images to be viewed. As is the goal in UX design, the first decision, the display, is something that is intuitively obvious and expected.

By splitting the decision-making process into two steps, rather than requiring the user to select from a long list with M x N choices, they are able to make two separate choices, each from a much shorter set of options (of length M and N). (This is an over-simplification of the system, but hopefully the concept is clear.)

This particular decomposition into Viewing and Display Transforms allows ACES to fit into some color management UX models that are already in common use. For example, OpenColorIO already structures its viewing pipeline into View and Display choices.

flowchart LR
  id1[/Camera 1/] --> id4["Input 
  Transform"] --> id7(((ACES)))
  id2[/Camera 2/] --> id5["Input 
  Transform"] --> id7
  id3[/CGI/] --> id6["ACEScg
  ACES"] --> id7
  id7 --> id8{{"Output
  id8 --> id9["Display 
  Encoding"] --> id12[/"HDR 
  id8 --> id10["Display 
  Encoding"] --> id13[/"Cinema 
  id8 --> id11["Display 
  Encoding"] --> id14[/"SDR 

## ACES 2

The ACES 2 Output Transform is applied using a simplified version of the Hellwig 2022 Color Appearance Model (CAM). Like most CAMs, the model helps produce a number of different color correlates. Three specific correlates are used for the purposes of applying the display rendering of the ACES 2.0 Output Transform, specifically:

  • J : perceived lightness
  • M : perceived colorfulness
  • h : perceived hue

ACES 1 defined a Reference Rendering Transform and an Output Device Transform. In ACES 1.1 and beyond, the concatenation of the RRT and ODT were designated an Output Transform. The conceptual split between the two modules still existed but in practice, the combination of the two simplified some steps such as tone scale mapping.

ACES 2 maintains the Output Transform as a the name of the overall transformation from ACES2065-1 to a particular output. Looking inside the Output Transform one can see a conceptual split between the target rendering or limiting gamut and the display encoding to prepare the intended colorimetry for a particular display. This is intentional and there are distinct benefits to maintaining this segmentation when porting the CTL to native implmentations. Let's explore.

ACES 2 also includes the choice of the adapted white point (creative white) as part of the target rendering. This defines what chromaticity is assumed as the "neutral" white point for an observer.

Overview of the rendering steps

flowchart LR
  Input") --> 
  JMh] --> 
  (J Only)"] --> 
  (M Only)"] --> 
  (J & M)"] --> 
  Encoding] --> 
The flow of the ACES 2.0 Display Rendering Transform (DRT)

Design Goals


Which Transforms Do We Need to Support?

That's up to you

Minimal set of rendering transforms to implement These are the same rendering transform but only the display encoding is different

If you enumerate pre-computed LUTs at varous peak luminances, then you should provide a provisiion for a user to add a custom LUT generated externally.